Buffers in Household Products Ap Chemistry Review Questions


Not sure how to begin studying for the AP Chemistry exam? This review guide will help you effigy out what's on the test and how you tin can ace it.

I'll become over the AP Chem test construction, provide sample questions in each format, listing the concepts you can expect to run across on the test, and give you lot some tips on how to get the most out of your studying. I but looked into my PrepScholar Crystal Ball™ and saw a 5 in your hereafter, and then get ready to kick this examination's butt.

What's the Format of the AP Chemistry Exam?

The AP Chemistry exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long and has two sections: multiple-choice (ninety minutes long) and free-response (105 minutes long). At that place are lx multiple-option questions and seven gratis-response questions. The complimentary-response section contains three long response (worth ten points each) and four short response (worth four points each) questions. You're immune to use a computer on the gratuitous response section, but you lot tin can't use 1 for multiple-choice.

Time management is important on the AP Chemical science exam because you tin can easily get caught up in difficult problems. Try not to spend more a minute on each multiple-selection question during your first pass through the section then that y'all don't miss whatever questions at the finish that you could have answered. You lot'll accept time to get back and revisit the ones yous skipped if you pace yourself. For the free-response questions, you should limit your time to around 5-10 minutes for short response questions and 15-20 minutes for long response questions.

What Do AP Chemistry Questions Look Like?

The following are examples of official AP Chemistry questions in multiple-option, short response, and long response format. I'll go over the answers in detail to give yous a sense of the types of problems you'll face on the test and how you might solve them.

Multiple-Choice Sample Question

Multiple-selection AP Chemistry questions are often chunked together. In other words, several questions will pertain to a single experiment or dataset. Here'due south an example:


In this case, you're asked why a certain upshot resulted from an experiment. You lot need to know why the pressure in the container would increment based on the changes that occurred. A and B propose that the increase in pressure has to practice with intermolecular attractions either decreasing or increasing in the flask. These choices are incorrect considering the intermolecular attractions betwixt these molecules wouldn't be significant plenty to make a departure in the pressure of the container.

For Choice C, the first role is correct: the number of molecules has increased with the decomposition of PCl5.Information technology besides makes sense that this would result in a higher frequency of collisions with the walls of the container. This answer is looking pretty good.

Choice D is wrong considering at that place's no reason to expect that the molecules have increased in speed inside the container during the reaction.

Since we ruled out all the other options, Selection C is the right answer!

Short Response Sample Question


For part A, you lot needed to draw out the interactions between the ions and water molecules in the solution. Three points were awarded for:

  • A representation of at least i Li+ ion and one Cl- ion conspicuously separated and labeled correctly
  • Each ion surrounded past at least 2 water molecules
  • Water molecules must be oriented correctly (oxygen end is closer to the lithium ion, and hydrogen end is closer to the chloride ion)

Part B was worth one point for identifying the chemical species and providing justification. The species produced at the cathode would be Hii(g) and OH-(aq) (you could say either one of these for the signal). The hydrogen atoms in h2o are reduced to H2 at the cathode because this reaction has a lower magnitude reduction potential than that of the reduction of lithium ions to Li (-0.83 vs. -3.05).

Long Response Sample Question

Here'southward an case of a long complimentary-response question from the 2015 exam:


This question expects a lot from you. There's stoichiometry, chemic bonds, intermolecular forces, Lewis diagrams, and thermodynamics! It's testing whether you can apply a bunch of dissimilar skills that you've learned throughout the year to the scenario presented on the exam.

We know that sounds intimidating, but yous tin can do it! Here's a breakdown of how to piece of work though a complex trouble like this one.

Allow's look at office a:

For part i of part a, nosotros need to summate the number of moles of ethene that are produced in the experiment and measured in the gas collection tube. The start pace is to summate the pressure of the ethene and so that nosotros tin can use the ideal gas police force to figure out the number of moles of gas produced. Nosotros can find the pressure of the water by using the given figure for water'due south vapor pressure level at 305 K: 35.7 torr. Since i atm = 760 torr, nosotros tin catechumen the vapor pressure to atm like so:

35.7 torr x (i atm/760 torr) = 0.047 atm

And so, we can find the vapor pressure of the ethene by subtracting that number from the total vapor pressure level of the gas produced:

0.822 atm (total vapor pressure level) - 0.047 atm (h2o's vapor pressure) = 0.775 atm (ethene's vapor pressure level)

Finally, we can use the ideal gas police force to figure out how many moles of ethene were produced:

PV = nRT
n = PV/RT
n = (0.775 atm)(0.0854 L)/(0.08206 50 atm mol-1 Grand-1)(305 K)
n = 0.00264 moles of ethene produced

Okay, now let'due south motion onto part ii of part a.

How many moles of ethene would be produced if the dehydration reaction went to completion? To solve this problem, we need to reference the total amount of ethanol originally put into the tube, 0.2 grams, every bit well as the molar mass of ethanol. Using these numbers, nosotros tin can run into how many moles of ethanol were put into the tube:

0.2 grams ethanol x (1 mole ethanol / 46.1 grams) = 0.00434 moles of ethanol

Ok, that's the number of moles of ethanol that were put in, only we're trying to notice the number of moles of ethene that would result if the reaction went to completion. Since both molecules have coefficients of one in the equation, they exist in a one to one mole ratio. This means that the answer is 0.00434 moles of ethene.

Now for part b!

The pct yield of ethene in the experiment is pretty easy to find based on our answers to part a. We know that the corporeality of ethene that was actually produced was 0.00264 moles. The amount that would have been produced if the reaction went to completion was 0.00434 moles. To find the percentage yield, we can just divide 0.00264 past 0.00434 and multiply the answer by 100:

0.00264 mol / 0.00434 mol x 100 = 60.viii percent yield

In part c, yous are asked to concur or disagree with the educatee'due south claim that the reaction at 298 K has an equilibrium constant of less than i and provide justification in the form of calculations for△G°298. According to the formula sail:

△K° = △H° - T△S°
△G° = 45.5 kJ/mol - (298 K)(0.126 kJ/ K*mol)
△One thousand° = 8.0 kJ/mol

Referencing our formulas again, the equilibrium constant, Grandp, is equal to due east(-△Thousand°/RT). Since we found that △K° was greater than 0, Kp has to be e raised to some negative number, resulting in a solution equal to a number less than i. The educatee is correct that Kp must be less than 1 at 298 K.

Function d asks you lot to complete a Lewis electron-dot diagram. Your respond would look similar this:


The diagram should include all the bonding pairs, plus two non-bonding pairs on the O atom.

In part e, you lot're asked to determine the C-O-H bond angle. This molecule is tetrahedral around the oxygen cantlet. That means that the bond angle is approximately 109.5 degrees. On this question, you got a point for any respond between 100 and 115 degrees. Technically, the bond bending would be a little smaller considering of the two unbonded electron pairs on the oxygen atom. For visual reference:


In function f, yous have to explicate why ethene was collected as a gas after the experiment and ethanol was not. This happened because ethene isn't every bit soluble every bit ethanol in water. Ethene is only slightly h2o-soluble considering the weak dipole intermolecular attractions between non-polar ethene molecules and polar water molecules are weaker than the hydrogen bonds betwixt water molecules. Ethanol molecules are water soluble because they're polar, so they course hydrogen bonds with h2o molecules as they dissolve.

body_polarbears.jpg These bears are like ethanol and ethene. The one on the left is ethanol because it'south Conspicuously more polar.

Over again, discover how many different skills we used in this 1 question. We had to know how to:

  • Calculate the number of moles of a gas that were produced by a reaction given the temperature, vapor pressure and book (with vapor pressure calculated indirectly)
  • Calculate the number of moles of a gas produced by a reaction taken to completion given the mass of the reactant
  • Summate percentage yield of a reaction
  • Summate the equilibrium constant of a reaction at a given temperature
  • Draw Lewis electron dot diagrams
  • Decide bond angles
  • Explain how polarity and intermolecular allure would affect the event of a reaction and us of its products

You just accept a curt amount of time for each costless-response question (effectually twenty minutes for the long ones and x for the short ones), so you need to have all the information you learned in the form pretty well-mastered if you want to earn the majority of these points!

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What Topics Does AP Chemistry Cover?

The AP Chemical science course is structured around nine major units, each of which includes multiple more than specific topics. Your instructor might follow these units, or they may have their own society for presenting data. For more information on each of these units, cheque out our guide on AP Chemistry notes.

Unit 1: Atomic Structure and Backdrop

  • Moles and molar mass
  • Mass spectroscopy of elements
  • Elemental composition of pure substances
  • Composition of mixtures
  • Diminutive construction and electron configuration
  • Photoelectron spectroscopy
  • Periodic trends
  • Valence electrons and ionic compounds

Unit ii: Molecular and Ionic Compound Structure and Properties

  • Types of chemical bonds
  • Intramolecular force and potential energy
  • Structure of ionic solids
  • Structure of metals and alloys
  • Lewis diagrams
  • Resonance and formal charge
  • VSEPR and bond hybridization

Unit of measurement 3: Intermolecular Forces and Backdrop

  • Intermolecular forces
  • Properties of solids
  • Solids, liquids, and gases
  • Platonic gas law
  • Kinetic molecular theory
  • Divergence from ideal gas law
  • Solutions and mixtures
  • Representations of solutions
  • Separation of solutions and mixtures chromatography
  • Solubility
  • Spectroscopy and the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Photoelectric effect
  • Beer-Lambert Police

Unit four: Chemical Reactions

  • Introduction for reactions
  • Net ionic equations
  • Representations of reactions
  • Physical and chemical changes
  • Stoichiometry
  • Introduction to titration
  • Types of chemical reactions
  • Introduction to acrid-base reactions
  • Oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions

Unit 5: Kinetics

  • Reaction rates
  • Introduction to rate law
  • Concentration changes over time
  • Unproblematic reactions
  • Standoff model
  • Reaction energy profile
  • Introduction to reaction mechanisms
  • Reaction machinery and rate law
  • Steady-state approximation
  • Multistep reaction energy profile
  • Catalysis

Unit half dozen: Thermodynamics

  • Endothermic and exothermic processes
  • Energy diagrams
  • Heat transfer and thermal equilibrium
  • Heat chapters and calorimetry
  • Energy of phase changes
  • Introduction of enthalpy of reaction
  • Bond enthalpies
  • Enthalpy of formation
  • Hess'southward Law

Unit seven: Equilibrium

  • Introduction to equilibrium
  • Direction of reversible reactions
  • Reaction quotient and equilibrium constant
  • Calculating the equilibrium abiding
  • Magnitude of the equilibrium constant
  • Properties of the equilibrium constant
  • Calculating the equilibrium concentrations
  • Representations of equilibrium
  • Introduction to Le Chatelier's Principle
  • Reaction quotient and Le Chatelier's Principle
  • Introduction to solubility equilibria
  • Common-ion effect
  • pH and solubility
  • Free energy of dissolution

Unit 8: Acids and Bases

  • Introduction to acids and bases
  • pH and pOH of stiff acids and bases
  • Weak acid and base of operations equilibria
  • Acrid-base reactions and buffers
  • Acid-base titrations
  • Molecular structures of acids and bases
  • pH and pKa
  • Properties of buffers
  • Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
  • Buffer chapters

Unit 9: Applications of Thermodynamics

  • Introduction to entropy
  • Absolute entropy and entropy change
  • Gibbs Free Energy and thermodynamic favorability
  • Thermodynamic and kinetic control
  • Gratis energy and equilibrium
  • Coupled reactions
  • Galvanic (Voltaic) and electrolytic cells
  • Jail cell potential and free energy
  • Cell potential under nonstandard conditions
  • Electrolysis and Faraday'southward Police force


Tips for AP Chemistry Review

Throughout the year, and especially as you lot begin to study more for the AP exam in the spring, go along these tips in mind to continue your studying as constructive and efficient as possible.

Tip 1: Start From the Beginning

Get your fundamentals directly before yous try to do more than complicated issues. On many AP Chemistry questions, yous have to integrate a few pieces of essential cognition and apply them to a given scenario. If you're shaky on the foundational concept, you won't be able to get to the correct respond. When you start studying, make full the gaps in your knowledge from earlier in the course first.

Tip 2: Redo Problems You Didn't Go the Get-go Time

If you lot can't figure out a problem and have to await up the solution, don't just read over what yous were supposed to do and leave it at that. Review the steps you should have taken to get the right answer, and then, without looking at them, endeavour to resolve the problem.

Learning by doing is very important in chemistry. Make sure you know why you're solving the problem a certain style. You should too reinforce your knowledge by going through other similar problems.

Tip 3: Do Lots of Gratis-Response Questions

You lot might be tempted to stick with practicing multiple-choice questions because you can do a lot of them quickly and feel like you've made meaning progress. Nevertheless, it's extremely important not to ignore the complimentary-response section of the examination in your studying if y'all want to practice well. Gratuitous-response questions are a bigger challenge to your chemistry knowledge because y'all have to come up up with the answers independently. Practicing them will help you exercise better on the test as a whole. If you can respond free-response questions correctly on a consistent ground, that means yous actually know your stuff!

body_freeresponsequestions.jpgThis is what's gonna happen if you don't practice free-response questions!

How to Review for AP Chemistry

Your AP Chemical science review should circumduct effectually detecting your areas of weakness and practicing relevant problems. Hither are the steps you lot might go through:

Stride 1: Take and Score a Practice Exam

The first thing you should do is have a full practise test to assess how well you know the cloth. It'southward more than efficient just to study the concepts that you're even so shaky on rather than going dorsum through all your notes for the form. Make sure y'all have the examination with the same fourth dimension constraints as the real exam, and don't use a reckoner on the multiple-choice questions.

You should also circle whatsoever questions where you experience even a niggling unsure of the right answer. Yous need to go over those concepts even if yous stop up getting the question correct so you lot tin exist as comfy every bit possible with all the content. When yous're done with the examination, you tin score it and set a goal for how much you lot want to improve.

Stride 2: Categorize Your Mistakes (and Any Other Questions That You Were Unsure Virtually)

Now that y'all've scored your examination, go through your mistakes and lucky guesses, and sort them by topic area. This is the best way to become a clear picture of where you lot have the most significant issues with the content. Your list of mistakes will inform the residue of your review. I'd also recommend redoing problems that you missed to see if y'all tin can get to the correct reply.

Step 3: Review Relevant Content

If there was whatsoever essential background information on the examination that y'all forgot, start by reviewing that content. The information that yous learned in the first couple months of the course serves as a foundation for the rest of the class.

After you feel confident with the basics, you tin move onto studying higher-level topics. You might review your notes on how to solve certain types of problems or look back at the information in your textbook. You lot can also use an AP review book to study. Sometimes this is a amend option because review books are specifically tailored to the examination.

Pace 4: Do Practice Issues

Reviewing content isn't enough in chemistry. You need to know how to utilize your knowledge to unfamiliar experimental scenarios on the test. Spend some time doing practice problems that pertain to each of your areas of weakness until you feel more comfortable with the subject matter.

Step five: Take Some other Practice Test to See If You've Improved

Later you finish doing do problems, endeavor out your new skills on some other practice test. You can score the new examination and see whether you're satisfied with your new (and hopefully improved) scores. You e'er have the pick of repeating this process if there'southward still room for growth. If you don't see much improvement, you may have to go back and reevaluate your study methods.

If in that location are some concepts that yous're having a really difficult time wrapping your caput effectually, I'd encourage yous to enquire your teacher or one of your classmates to assistance you empathise the cloth better. Sometimes, if y'all can't figure something out yourself, an alternative explanation is what y'all need for it to click.

Here'due south an approximate time breakdown for all of these steps:

  • Take and score a practice test: four hours
  • Categorize your mistakes: 1 60 minutes
  • Review content: 2 hours
  • Do practice bug: 2 hours
  • Have a second practice exam: iv hours

Total fourth dimension for ane cycle: thirteen hours

body_journey.jpgNow information technology'south fourth dimension to set off on your own personal review journey. Good luck out there. No, I don't know why someone sculpted a ceramic frog with a rolling suitcase, but I have to assume that their life is much more interesting than mine.


The AP Chemistry test covers a challenging prepare of concepts that require skills in math, factual recall, and analytical thinking. It's also 1 of the longest AP tests, lasting three hours and fifteen minutes full. To recap, the types of questions on the examination include:

  • 60 multiple-choice questions (xc minutes)
  • Seven free-response questions (105 minutes) made up of
    • 3 long response (10 points each)
    • 4 short response (four points each)

AP Chemistry has nine major units that encompass many more than specific topics. The units are:

#i: Atomic Structure and Backdrop
#2: Molecular and Ionic Compound Structure and Backdrop
#3: Intermolecular Forces and Properties
#4: Chemic Reactions
#five: Kinetics
#six: Thermodynamics
#vii: Equilibrium
#8: Acids and Bases
#nine: Applications of Thermodynamics

Some report tips that I would recommend implementing as y'all prepare for the exam include:

  • Commencement with the nuts
  • Redo problems that you miss
  • Exercise complimentary-response questions regularly

When you report, you follow these steps for the best results:

  • Take and score a do test
  • Categorize your mistakes
  • Review content
  • Do practice problems
  • Take a 2d exercise test

If y'all keep up with your classwork throughout the year and adhere to the communication in this article, y'all'll have no problem doing well on the AP test!

What'southward Adjacent?

If you lot're thinking nigh buying a review book to supplement your in-class notes, check out my listing of the best AP Chemistry review books.

Still planning out your schedule for the residual of high school? Read this guide for advice on which AP classes you should take based on your academic interests.

Are yous considering taking an online AP course that your high school doesn't offer? Larn more about online AP classes and whether they're worth information technology for you.

Want to improve your Saturday score past 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the summit five strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download information technology for free now:

Get eBook: 5 Tips for 160+ Points

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About the Writer

Samantha is a web log content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other bookish challenges through her articles. Samantha is too passionate nigh art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Fine art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the Sabbatum, 5'south on all vii of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar.


Source: https://blog.prepscholar.com/ap-chemistry-review

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