Thanks to theAvengersfilms and the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the demand for superhero crossover films has steadily increased over the past decade. Fans want to see their favorite characters from separate franchises come together to either duke it out or team up to take down a bigger foe. But one of the other demands fans have is for the inevitable hilarious interactions these characters will share with each other.

The humor aspect is definitely what fans clamor for the most whenever they picture Spider-Man and Deadpool together. These two characters have had a long history of working together (or as well as they can) in the comics, and the jokes and memes that their relationship has inspired are more than enough to fuel a desire to see them go back and forth on the big screen.

10 Deadpool Knows How To Deal With What's Bugging Him

Meme/comic of Deadpool and Spider-Man

Deadpool has an almost unmatched and uncanny skill for knowing the perfect way to bother someone.  He can get under a person's skin without even trying. With that in mind, one can only imagine all of the bug and spider-related jokes he'd hurl Spider-Man's way in a film starring the two.

Luckily, Spider-Man can be just as quick and funny as the sword-wielding mercenary. The only issue is if Spider-Man would be willing to stoop to Deadpool's level to let him know that he's not the only one who can pester people. He'd most likely be okay with it, but it might take some motivation at first.

9 Both Heroes Would Know How To Rock And Roll Together

Spiderman Deadpool Singing Meme

Considering all of the fun, easy-going events that fans have seen many superheroes enjoy together in the films, it comes as a bit of a surprise that there hasn't been a scene in which the characters jam out together and enjoy some karaoke. It would be a perfect after-credits scene. Spider-Man and the other characters would have the chance for once to show off some skills that aren't tied to their heroic duties.

And then there's Deadpool. Whether he can sing or not, there is no way he'd pass on the chance to make everyone within earshot of him regret the fact that someone handed him a microphone. He's known for his inability to keep quiet, so Spider-Man and anyone else around would need to just tough it out until his turn was over.

8 A Team-up Removes The Need To Compete

Meme/comic of Deadpool and Spider-Man

There is no need to worry about shelling out a ton of advertising money if both franchises combine forces. If Deadpool and Spider-Man were going to star in a film all their own, there's not much the studios would need to do in terms of marketing. The hype alone would be enough to draw in the crowds.

The only issue is that the loss of competition, and any tension or drama that it creates outside of the film, would need to be made up for somewhere. The only place that makes sense is in the film's story, which means poor Spider-Man would need to deal with Deadpool being a competitive pain in his butt throughout the film.

7 Plot Twists Would Abound

Spiderman Deadpool Civil War Meme

As much as Spider-Man would try his best to keep order and peace during any crisis, everyone can always count on Deadpool to do one or two things to mess everything up. He doesn't like it when things are straightforward or boring. There's little chance that he wouldn't take a chance to mix things up when everything seems to be going smoothly.

The bright side is that Spider-Man would at least know that anything Deadpool did wouldn't have any truly bad consequences. Deadpool's willing to cause trouble for his hero pal, but not the point of creating problems or work for himself.

6 The Pranking Duo That The Movies Need

Meme/comic of Deadpool and Spider-Man

The inclusion of a Xenomorph would probably be a more complex crossover than the studios could actually pull off, but the sentiment still stands. There would be no shortage of pranks taking place between the two heroes, and fans could definitely count on Deadpool to take things too far.

The best part is that since Spider-Man is by no means a weak hero, he would be able to withstand whatever insanity Deadpool sends his way. And with Spider-Man's resilience in mind, one could say that all Deadpool would be doing is helping Spider-Man hone his Spider-Sense.

5 They're There For Each Other When Things Are Difficult

Spiderman Deadpool Test Meme

Spider-Man is definitely the more studious of the two heroes. So when both of them get into a situation that demands complex thinking and problem-solving, Spider-Man will definitely be able to help his fellow red-clad hero. At least, he'll do what he can. He can only help Deadpool if Deadpool lets him.

When it comes to Deadpool, offering help to him is never an easy task. He is his own worst enemy in many ways. Spider-Man might have his back again and again, but it won't do much good if Deadpool is completely void of an attention span or makes things worse for his own amusement.

4 There'd Never Be A Dull Moment In A Movie With These Two

Meme/comic of Deadpool and Spider-Man

Like how an older sibling will harass a younger sibling in a family sitcom, Deadpool would never allow Spider-Man to let his guard down. It's more of that not-so-innocent pranking that Deadpool is great at. Perhaps he could take it easy on Spider-Man, but the chances of that happening are slim.

But, at least things would never be boring in this dream crossover film. If Spider-Man wants to have at least five minutes to himself for some peace and quiet, he'll first need to figure out a way to keep Deadpool preoccupied. Otherwise, Deadpool will find him and make his own entertainment.

3 They Could Offer An Origin Story That's Actually Unique

Meme/comic of Deadpool and Spider-Man

The origins of how the good guys meet in superhero movies can be a somewhat repetitive trope. They either start off by fighting or they team up almost instantly to stop a threat. With Spider-Man and Deadpool, it would simply have to be something unusual.

The idea that the two met for the first time due to an utterly mundane reason, at least from Spider-Man's point of view, is perfect for a movie about them. The idea that Deadpool would simply walk up to Spider-Man and ask for help like a lost tourist is equally great.

2 The Moments When They Get To Know Each Other Would Be Pretty Special, To Say The Least

Fans would love to see these two masked heroes get to know each other better. Nothing beats good, 0ld-fashioned banter, and it would go a long way in introducing the characters to themselves as well as their dynamic to the audience. It's one of the things both Deadpool and Spider-Man are great at, so it would definitely need to happen in a movie.

It might even work in text format, as some memes suggest, if the movie's creators find a good way to execute it. Imagining poor Spider-Man as he gets notification after notification telling him that Deadpool has sent some asinine message would be great to see.

1 Superhero Landings All Day, Every Day

Meme/comic of Deadpool and Spider-Man

Deadpool in anAvengers-style film would be like a kid in a candy store. All of those super-charged heroes, especially the ones like Spider-Man, would put on exciting show after exciting show for him. That wouldn't be their intent, of course, and it would probably annoy them that Deadpool finds them so entertaining, but at least he'd be happy.

Deadpool would probably start keeping a "Superhero landing counter" throughout the film, which would be hilarious. Fans would love to watch as he stops to judge and rank every landing as if Spider-Man was performing in some gymnastics competition.

NEXT: The 10 Biggest Fixes Spider-Man: Miles Morales Needs